Baked Sweet Potato for Breakfast with Banana & PB

gefüllte Süßkartoffel zum Frühstück

Craving a warming and sweet fall breakfast? 🍂

This delicious breakfast recipe not only tastes great, it also really gets you in the fall mood with its great autumnal colors. Sweet potato is often known in the form of fries or in combination with other vegetables, but how about using it as the basis for a super sweet breakfast? Paired with fruit and healthy fats and a touch of cinnamon. Sound good, right? It’s super easy to prepare, but keep in mind that sweet potatos take a while in the oven. So if you’re in a hurry in the morning, you can just prepare it in the evening – more on that, later on. Here come the recipe and instructions for this baked sweet potato filled with yumminess.

Let’s go!

baked sweet potato cut open



  • 1 sweet potato
  • 1 small banana
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon 
  • 1-2 tsp peanut butter
  • Optional: syrup and pumpkin seeds

Kitchen Tools: 

  • oven 
  • fork
  • baking dish or baking pan 

baked sweet potato


  1. Prick the sweet potato(s) several times with a fork and place them on a baking tray or in a baking dish and put them in the oven (180°C).
  2. When the sweet potato is soft, cut it in half and wait a few minutes until it has had a chance to release some steam.
  3. Then top with peanut butter, banana slices and cinnamon & ready is your sweet fall breakfast. Optionally top with syrup of choice and pumpkin seeds.

Bon Appetit!

baked sweet potato with banana

More Infos & Tips

Perfect addition

Pair the stuffed baked sweet potato with a side food rich in protein for a balanced and more filling breakfast. 

Use the baking time

The preparation itself only takes a few minutes, so you can use the baking time to prepare a coffee or tea. Or you can hop in the shower while you’re at it. How about that?

Meal Prep

You can also perfectly use this breakfast recipe as a meal prep breakfast for the week.

  1. Simply bake the sweet potatoes until soft and let cool completely.
  2. Store in refrigerator and if needed, take out and heat for a few minutes and add topping of choice. 

Size of sweet potato  

Depending on the size of the sweet potatoes is also the length of the baking time. So if you are in a hurry, I recommend choosing small sweet potatoes.


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